Missing the Forest for the Trees

by Megan Hale
Buy the Original Painting
16.000 x 20.000 x 0.500 inches
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Missing the Forest for the Trees
Megan Hale
Painting - Acrylic On Canvas
Wait a second? Is your hair on fire?
In the painting “Missing the Forest for the Trees” you'll see the fierce blaze of wildfire consuming wildlife. The colors are intense, with fiery oranges and deep reds dominating the canvas. The trees are engulfed in flames, their branches reaching upwards in desperation. It's an image, capturing the destructive power of wildfires and the urgency of addressing climate change. Amidst the chaos, there's a glimmer of hope in the blue background that peaks between out, not yet engulfed by smoke. The message is clear: those in positions of power must act swiftly to protect vulnerable wildlife, preserve our delicate ecosystems, and safeguard the future of humanity on this planet.
April 5th, 2024
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